Slash and Steven Adler joined Aces & Eights on stage!
Slash: "Going to the Viper Room is like going back in time a couple decades everytime I go there, like a time warp. Cool, but disorienting."

"It's So Easy"
Richard Fortus: "Playing the last show at the Viper Room tonight with Dizzy at midnight"
Dizzy Reed: "Viper Room tonight. Playing some new original songs with Richard Fortus and other surprise Guest Stars. You don't wanna miss this! Come and rock!"

Photos via twitter by T.J.Roe. http://twitter.com/@intr0vert
I've heard un-verified reports that Slash played with Dizzy (in addition to playing with Aces & Eights) last night.
More on this story as it develops ...
So ... what really happened?
1. Did Slash approach Dizzy to play, and Dizzy said 'no.' ?
2. Did Slash play with Dizzy and it's being covered-up?
http://twitter.com/TheViperRoom has edited/deleted their tweets mentioning a Slash/Dizzy collab.
There was a picture on twitpic labeled Dizzy Reed and Slash, but it's gone...
You decide ...
These are the tweets that were redacted.
RT @intr0vert GNR Planets are aligning @SlashHudson Steven Adler and Dizzy Reed @theVIPERroom right now
Slash joined Steven Adler and Dizzy Reed on stage. Slash is jammin right now!
Also, one picture was removed.
Use your illusion.
RT @theVIPERroom: http://twitpic.com/ftgv0 - Slash joined Steven Adler and Dizzy Reed on stage. Slash is jammin right now! #gunsnroses
Dizzy Reed: "Viper Room tonight. Playing some new original songs with Richard Fortus and other surprise Guest Stars. You don't wanna miss this! Come and rock!"
The crazy HOT SINGER they're playing with is PATRICK STONE. He's about to blow up!
As a big fan of Aces n' Eights, I just had to leave a comment. Slash only came that night to play with Taz Rudd and his band Aces n' Eights, I think he was unaware that Dizzy was even playing as he left the building immediately after the set. Taz Rudd and Slash were friends even before G&R era began. As a matter of fact, the last 4 times I've seen Aces & Eights, Slash has gone onstage to play with them. History has it that Taz taught Izzy how to play the guitar when he first came out from Indiana with Axel. I'm a huge fan of G&R and now Aces & Eights, they fukin rock!!!
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