Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Birthday USA

Happy 4th of July.

(begin rant)

This Counrty (The USA) has lost it's way.

George W. Bush is the worst president we've ever had. This war on Iraq is a sham. Our economy is in the toilet. Our healthcare system is a joke. Poor people are still sending their boys off to war to die. Our leaders cannot lead.

We need a new direction.

We don't need no more war.

(end rant)

That being said, have fun today. I do enjoy the fireworks and the Summer weather. I'm going to have some beers and celebrate with my family. Rock on.

Want more? Then I suggest you read Bob Lefsetz's July 4th message here.

-Mack "il comunista" Arillo


mom said...

nice photo

david santos said...

Ciao Mack, come và? Spero tutto bene per te. Buon lavoro. Un abbraccio e un buon fine settimana.