Here's the latest Chinese Democracy rumor to set the interweb on fire:
"From what I am hearing now, Chinese Democracy is still a three disc set, consisting of the following:I've been reluctant to pass this rumor along - because it's just that, a rumor, - but with Chinese Democracy news so scarce I figured I'd at least mention it.
a) a CD containing the new material
b) a CD or DVD (not sure which) with live performances
c) a DVD of behind the scenes footage
so techinically, yeah, it's three discs, but only one with new music
and all signs point to November 25th"
It certainly would be nice to have a 3 disc set - and a DVD of behind the scenes footage would be massive.
"The true, ongoing, behind-the-scenes triumphs and casualties are much more complicated than any negative speculation that the media or otherwise has managed to hit upon."It's not a traditional album - so don't expect traditional marketing. If you're giving up on 2008 because there's less than 8 weeks until Black Friday - then you're suffering from a lack of imagination.
March 18, 2008: The Raconteurs announce the March 25 release date of Consolers of the Lonely, their second disc.
"We wanted to get this record to fans, the press, radio, etc., all at the EXACT SAME TIME so that no one has an upper hand on anyone else regarding it's availability, reception or perception. We wanted to explore the idea of releasing an album everywhere at once and THEN marketing and promoting it thereafter. The Raconteurs would rather this release not be defined by its first week sales, pre-release promotion or by someone defining it FOR YOU before you get to hear it."So - I don't know when Chinese Democracy is coming out, but there's no law that says they have to announce it 2 months ahead of time. I wouldn't be surprised if they don't say BOO until 1 or 2 weeks before they pull the trigger.
I'll say that again for added emphasis:
I wouldn't be surprised if they don't say BOO until 1 or 2 weeks before they pull the trigger.
Anyway, it's been a slow news week.
Joe Bosso has a well-written piece here about "Shackler's Revenge" that made me chuckle.
"Given all that, Shackler's Revenge in 2008 sounds like it probably should have been released by somebody - certainly not Guns N' Roses, or Axl Rose, or even Izzy - back in 1994. The meat of the track is something of Pro Tools-ed amalgam of Nine Inch Nails meets early Nu Metal rumblings. It might have made for a decent Marilyn Manson album cut back in the day, but as the first "new" music from the GN'R brand in umpteen many years, gee, what are we to say? 'Thanks?'"The Guys over at Talking Metal have a new podcast where they claim that the BEST BUY / November 25 release date rumor is absolutely true. They say "it's official - but it won't be announced by BEST BUY." That makes sense - I think that after 14 years of trials and tribulations, Axl Rose really deserves the privilege of dropping the bomb himself.
You can download the podcast here:
Sometimes I think that GN'R just like to wait for the media to calm down before they make an announcement, just so they can keep the buzz going for as long as possible ...

Guns N' Roses
Best Buy
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