UPDATE (OCTOBER 28, 2011): GUNS N' ROSES Reveals New Album Title
Axl Rose and his Guns N' Roses have revealed that the name of their forthcoming new studio album, the follow up to 2008's unsuccessful, Chinese Democracy, will be ... wait for it ... The Legend of The Red Panda. The album is already recorded and was thought to have originally been called Chinese Democracy II and is expected to be released next March/April through Geffen Records.
Its believed that eccentric frontman Rose has sent the album title and tracklisting to all major magazine editors but no actual music to review. Whether this is genuine or just another strange game Rose is playing with the music press remains to be seen. You can check out the tracklisting below. More details on this will be revealed as soon as it becomes available.
UPDATE (NOVEMBER 24, 2011): Tommy Stinson says that there’s "a bunch" of GN'R material written and still waiting to be recorded — "some of it worthy of finishing, some of it probably not" — in addition to 22 songs recorded during the Chinese Democracy process that were not included on the album.
UPDATE (AUGUST 30, 2011): Tommy Stinson says Guns haven't begun working on a follow-up to Chinese Democracy, but still have material left over from the last sessions. "We haven't recorded in a while and I don't see us doing so in the near future."[Link]
UPDATE (MARCH 9, 2011): Bumblefoot confirms there is enough music for another two albums. "There is enough music for another two albums, but these are all 10 year old recordings from the Chinese Democracy sessions. Those songs are not new songs and this current band, this relevant band that contains me and DJ and Richard and Frank on drums, we have yet to get in a studio together and sit down on the floor with guitars and just start writing. We have not done that. The only music that is going to be coming out at this point that I see from GN’R is going to be from 10 years ago with players that have been gone for 5 years and maybe alternative mixes of songs."
UPDATE (FEBRUARY 2, 2011): According to "insider" Mister Saint Laurent (aka MSL), there were plans for a 2-disc reissue of Chinese Democracy, containing "new" artwork and a second disc full of re-mixes - including a version of "Better' with Dj Ashba on guitar - and one "new" song: "Blood in the Water." MSL also offered up a list of "new" song titles: Atlas, Cuban Skies, Goin' Down, Jackie Chan, Light My Fire, Monstrosity, Silk Worms, Soul Monster, The General, Thyme, Tonto. The reissue was originally scheduled for march 29, 2011.
UPDATE (SEPTEMBER 7, 2010): Rumor has it that there are two follow-up albums in various stages of "completion." The first album is "Chinese Democracy II" (not sure what it will actually be called). The second album features material not related to the Chinese Democracy theme. Neither album has a release date.
UPDATE (JUNE 4, 2010): According to "insiders," the record has been turned in and is due out this coming November. It will apparently be titled simply Guns N' Roses. Watch this space for futher developments as they ... develop.
"For now we'll concentrate and keep our focus on this album but I will say I've always thought of it as a double."
-Axl Rose
Since we probably won't have any NEWS regarding videos, tours, singles, lineup changes, interviews, B-sides, appearances etc. etc. etc., I thought NOW would be an approprite time to start speculating about what the tracklist for CHINESE DEMOCRACY II might look like.
Here's a list of songs which are likely to appear on the follow-up to Chinese:
Quick Song
Ides of March
Jackie Chan
Soul Monster
The General
Going Down
How about a release date? Nevermber?
Quick Song
Ides of March
Jackie Chan
Soul Monster
The General
Going Down
How about a release date? Nevermber?
I'm betting on: 2009 or never.
If somehow Axl loses momentum, it's over.
provided he can get off his ass and release the follow up quick smart before it leaks, i believe it will be the album that takes them back to #1 again. hell and while he is at it it would not hurt to address the current line-up situation, release a music video or two, and who knows may be even go on a tour.
That's assuming Axl/GN'R even get the chance to release a follow up. Chin Dem was not the monster everyone involved wanted and needed it to be. Chin Dem poor sales (by there standards not mine)could signal the death nell of GN'R as we know it. If everyone considers Chin Dem a commercial failure who's going to bank roll the follow up?
C F'N' T
could axl simply be trying to have the contract he is on torn up, so he can go down the 'free agency' path that nin and radiohead have?
the reason cd wasnt a smash hit was because the songs were 'old', ie too many leaks, 14 years in the making etc.
at least with the follow up we have only heard 25 secs of jackie chan.
Commercial failure? For a band who didn't do promotion or concerts? Who didn't go to MTV or VMA's? For someone who went a-wall for 2 months after the release of the album?...Come on...The thing is axl is not willing to work in this context. If he states that this CD I doesn't even have his favourite artcover, who do you think is calling the shots on the biz part of all this crap? And really, do you think someone as control obsessed as axl (even from back in the Sunset Strip days)is happy to be artistic is this framework?
And again: i don't give a shit if it's a commercial flop. For me it's crap if it goes 14 times platinum or something. If they pull the plug on axl & hired musicians, better for axl. He can do what he wants in Black Frog. Nothing new, as someone mentioned with NIN, Radiohead and Pearl Jam.
I agree with you ard. I don't give a crap about sales personally (high sales do not equal high quality). I think CD is a brilliant album. think Axl is a brilliant artist in thr true scense of the word. He obviously doesn't give a crap about sales either or he'd be whoring himeslf out to every media outlet he could in order to sell his record. I think it's great that he doesn't "play ball" the way the "suits" want him to. Clearly, the only thing that matters to Axl is his art which is precisely the way it should be for an artist.
We all live in the real world and the real world (the business world) dictates: "move an expected amount of product or be removed from the shelves period". From a business standpoint Chinese Democracy is widely considered a commercial failure (artistically it's a grand slam in my opinion)and seeing that it's the buisness people that decide whether they are interested in a follow up record from Axl makes sales very important...to them.
Maybe Axl is wanting out of his current contract...Hell, Irving Azoff saved his ass from his previous Universal/Geffen contract paying back the approximate $15 million dollars he owed them for the making of this record(s) by swinging the Best Buy deal. In which every major retailer was watching and probably now know not to agree to an exclusive deal with GN'R unless the its totally in the retailers favour to do so.
Axl's a loose cannon that's for sure.
Do you think that BEST BUY will try to sue him for failing to deliver the video?
Does Axl enjoy lawsuits?
I don't think Best Buy anticipated the disaapearing act Axl pulled. I think they just assumed he would be out there promoting his record. I don't think anyone could have foresaw Axl literally doing no promo for a record he worked so hard and long on. I doubt Best Buy will be able to sue for lack of video or promotion. If they could have sued it would have happened by now. That's my guess anyway....
I agree, CT. But the thing is, for you and me, we live in the real world. Axl is a narcissistic, it's me or them. And if he doesn't agree with simple and understable points of view from others (as slash's or duff's, for instance, on why should they wait 1 hour plus for axl to be ready to perform), he does not understand why - besides being saved by Arzhoff and Gould - he has to do something he doesn't want to.
I think it all comes down to a pretty simple thing: the strive is gone. What lead Axl to have the patience to deal with corporate suit, because he could see the gain at the end of the line, is gone. He is still one brilliant musician and artist, but i do think that he wants to do it on his own pace and own time. And in today's world - the real world that you mentioned, CT - that's just not possible, even when what you do for a living comes in an art form.
With the 2008 events worldwide corporate suits from music business should be able to redesign the way art has a financial outcome. This goes to show they learned nothing from the lessons of banks and real estate and countries (iceland is broke, for god's sake) in 2008. They think they can use the same formula: record, do promos and smile to the camera, tour. It's a new world, and they still want to do it the same way. And, of course, the band that no one wanted to manage (see Slash's biography), because they were unamanagable and unforgiving to the instructions or directions managers wanted to give...here we are, almost 30 years later, and still it is the same: no one can handle, boss around, make "jump and be good" of axl.
As far as the sue: i'd see more likely that Azzoff later sueing axl than best buy. But maybe that's just me...
sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel
There are 4 albums done Mack, and it's your buddies Slash and Duff who are holding things up with all of their frivolous lawsuits against Axl/Dexter.
CHINESE DEMOCRACY II will be the EVIL DEAD II of Rock Albums
Same bat time, same bat channel next year but we'll have to see.
chinese democracy part 2 ?
We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams.
Bill W.
The OTHER Bill W.
Don't forget "Oh My God," "Beta's Barn," and "Daddy, Can the Devil do Mommy and Me?"
listen to the last 2 minutes of Prostitute - it's over. that's the sound of the band breaking up.
somebody please leak 'Atlas Shrugged'
Thank you.
jackie Chan IS The General
01. Soul Monster
02. Zodiac
03. Quick Song
04. Ides of March
05. Strange Disease
06. Berlin
07. Seven
08. Atlas Shrugged
09. Silkworms
10. Down By the Ocean
11. Jackie Chan
12. Thyme
13. This Life
14. The General
someboday please leak the general already
11/2010 OR BUST
Axl is a piece of shit
Slash fans aren't jealous in the least.
It's more along the lines of sickened.
It's like watching a bunch of Christians trying to take evolution out of public schools.
You're a bunch of fucking deluded and deranged weirdos and it creeps me out.
A release in November seems very unlikely now :/
Lots of comments on this page ... curious.
2012 seems somewhat likely, right?
How do you get this info anyways? All this rumor crap about an album being turned over?
the next album is called "Guns N' Roses."
Axl wasted so many years with this circus incarnation of "Guns N' Roses". I think he should drop the name, drop the band, and work on a totally new project. He would then free himself of the burden of living up to impossible expectations that come with the name. As technically skilled as the band is, there is an obvious lack of another talented songwriter, or chemistry, or both. Chinese Democracy showed signs that Axl has more to offer, but too many songs that should never have seen the light of day. It's not a conspiracy that the album didn't sell. People wanted it to be good. A lot of people looked at Axl as rocks' last hope, it simply isn't that good of a record. By today's standards, that truly is sad. Chinese Democracy would have been better served to stay in the vault. It went from being one of rocks great mysteries to being a coaster.
Nice cover. Seen better chicks though. Awesome video. Wish it was longer. Very, very interesting info.Useful, too. objective. This Axl guy never stops to amaze me. I love you Axl.
November follows direcrly after the Europena tour. Very clever.
Can't wait. No videos, releases, interviews etc. FUCK YOU King Dick!!! (not now)
Anonymous if you say 1 more time Axl is a piece of shit I'll spank you to death!
We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams.
are you people stupid enough to beleieve anything thats throwe at you? lol never beleieve any of it unless it comes from axl his self, do any of you know him personally or you just judging based on what the f the media has told you,thats why axl stays off the internetcoz of all the bogus bs about him..AXL WAS,IS AN ALWAYS SINGLE HANDELY BE GNR..THE MOTHER F-IN END
and would you people stop freakn quoting willy wonka and the choc factory dam idiots we are the music makers n dreamers of dreams? mofo thats from willy wonka..lol how the hell old are you twitts anyway and F a dam mack you need to stay off axl's nut sack
List of rumored and confirmed titles:
01. Quick Song
02. Zodiac
03. Oh My God
04. Berlin
05. Ides of March
06. Seven
07. Atlas (Shrugged)
08. Cuban Skies
09. Goin' Down
10. Jackie Chan
11. Light My Fire
12. Monstrosity
13. Silk Worms
14. Soul Monster
15. The General
16. Thyme
17. Tonto
18. Beta's Barn
19. Daddy, Can the Devil Do Mommy and Me?
20. Down By the Ocean
21. Blood in the Water
22. Better Gone
23. Hungry
24. Closing In On You
25. Cock-A-Roach Soup
26. Friend Or Foe
27. Hearts Get Killed
28. No Love Remains
29. Something Always
30. Suckerpunched
31. Zip It
Guns N Roses Legend Of The Red Panda Leak https://ulozto.net/tam/_URsdCakOOQd2
Sooooo anyone has the Village Sessions leaks and could hook me up? :)
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