Slash heard the reports about his former bandmate Axl Rose banning fans wearing Slash-related T-shirts and top hats from the current Guns N’ Roses tour but he’s not sure he believes it.
“I give him the benefit of the doubt,” the 44-year-old former GN'R guitarist told QMI Agency Friday while taking a break from his duties at Canadian Music Week.
“I hate to think someone would be that petty, so it might be more of a rumour.
“There is a little bit of infighting between fans now, too. There’s like Guns fans who support the Axl thing and then there’s Guns fans who support the Slash thing. And God knows where it originated.
“We (Slash and Rose) obviously haven’t actually sat together and talked so there’s definitely some bad blood there but at the same time it’s been, you know, 15 years and I don’t like to perpetuate the negative stuff because I don’t really have the kind of harsh feelings for him that the media exaggerates.”
Slash’s debut solo album, Slash, featuring him performing with various singers including rock legends Ozzy Osbourne and Iggy Pop, is due April 6.
Then later that month he’ll head out on the road with a touring band that will include Myles Kennedy (Alter Bridge) on vocals; Bobby Schneck (Weezer, Green Day) on rhythm guitar; Dave Henning (Doug Pinnick, Big Wreck) on bass; and Brent Fitz (Alice Cooper, Vince Neil) on drums.
Chinese Democracy sounds just as Slash expected
The sound of Guns N’ Roses’ long-awaited release, Chinese Democracy, released after a near 15-year wait, didn’t surprise former GN'R guitarist Slash. At all.
“I thought it was exactly what I thought it would sound like,” he said.
“It was very indicative of what I thought he would do. So it was absolutely no surprise. ’Cause we had sort of like the Guns N’ Roses sound, which was just a straight-ahead rock band, and along the way Axl started to get very sort of techno, or had a lot of techno influences. And when I say that I mean like synthesizers and a lot of digital influence. And of course we sort of kept an old-school approach, and I think besides everything else musically, we sort of went off in different directions. And this record of Axl’s is definitely very digital and very Pro-Tool and very synthesized — whatever sounds are augmented by outside sources.”
Slash actually still was in GN'R when the concept for Chinese Democracy was in its infancy stage but he said, “We didn’t really do all that much.”
more about slash? yes i love him and all and he is an important part of what gnr is, but your entire page is about slash these last 2 weeks. no gnr news. it is a chinese democracy blog isn't it?
“There is a little bit of infighting between fans now, too. There’s like Guns fans who support the Axl thing and then there’s Guns fans who support the Slash thing. And God knows where it originated."
It's not so much as where it originated from whereas more of a proof of people being mentally retarded, 2 say the least. And, btw, slash: addressing this issue in this way isn't helping.
And more contradictions from Mr.Slash? In 2006 about CD:
"Yeah, it's going to happen, I've been made aware it's been heard. I'm really excited, it's been a long time waiting to see what the next step around the corner was going to be for him (Axl Rose), we know where everybody else is, but we were wondering what he was going to be doing. It's coming out in March and apparently it sounds great."
So now Slash never wondered what CD would sound like.
And not being a musician and all, isn't anyone puzzled by the so called "techno influences" (is NIN techno, slash?) being made equivalent to using pro-tools? And again, this had already been addressed in his book as not being the reason for the break up- and if i remember correctly, slash has even stated he didn't deny the possibility of looking for a different sound.
So there, another interview, more jig-saw puzzled narration of the story.
I truly root for slash, but just keep doing music, man - if you don't have that good memory even to balance your own opinions through time.
about this blog and the current line of entries. This blog is made by one of the truest and heart-felt dedicated fan of guns n' roses i have ever met. His interest and passion towards all things guns n' roses and former elements are not to be questioned. When loaded was touring, this blog as all over Duff. When izzy was releasing an album, all we got was izzy's new songs. The same with Steven Adler (god bless no Sorum or darling stilletos).
So - not being the author - i can tell you, anonymous, that these posts about slash de-cur from the fact that slash is all over the place...At least I don't feel it that way and keep this blog my daily duty and pleasure!
@ard yes i understand about the other former members of gnr, but the present gnr are on tour, performing in front of huge crowds and we get no tour news for two weeks. wtf? if i wanted to read about slash, i'd find a slash blog, many out there. this is a "chinese democracy" blog, and slash has NOTHING to do with the chinese democracy album or tour. the author is gonna have to create another blog for former members. bottom line "chinese democracy" blog.
don't think you can call it a riot if there are only 150 people there
The entire interview is about Slash's thoughts on Axl & Chinese Democracy, and that's why it was posted here.
Mack -
I think he's referring to:
Slash: Banned Gear May Be Rumor
Slash Solo Album Interview: The Track-By-Track Guide
4 Minute Preview of Slash's Album
"By The Sword" Streaming Now
Slash's New Single Debuts March 15
Slash Calls His Own Shots
Most of which have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with Gn'R other than the fact that Slash used to be a member :)
I'm not really complaining since I'm mildly curious about what Slash is up to - but Anonymous does kind of have a point :)
thanks omar
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