Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Who Killed Kurt?

I remember reading this special double-issue of High Times back in 1996 and being totally convinced that Courtney Love and El Duce killed Kurt Cobain.

Read it yourself and see what you think.

Below is an excerpt; you can scroll down to get the link to the entire article.

Who Killed Kurt Cobain?
by Tim Kenneally & Steve Bloom

(Original transcript from the article published in a High Times special issue in April 1996.)

The scenario, according to Grant, goes like this Kurt was planning to divorce Courtney and simultaneously leave the music business. He had spoken to Rosemary Carroll, one of the couple's attorneys about having Courtney taken out of his will. The note found with Cobain's body, Grant asserts, was a farewell to his fans not a suicide note. "It was not addressed to Frances [his daughter] and Courtney, as the police report claims and it doesn't say anything in there about suicide." says Grant.

Of course, Cobain's retirement would have resulted in untold future revenue losses. His decision not to headline the Lollapalooza '94 tour had already cost somewhere in the vicinity of $9.5 million. And, no matter how generous the settlement, a divorce would have led to a further depletion of Courtney's coffers, certainly amounting to less than what she stood to gain from inheriting the Cobain fortune. With that kind of money at stake, Grant contends, the situation was ripe for murder.

You can read the entire article here at JusticeForKurt.com

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